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Are we truly busy?

Posted on Sunday, October 25, 2020

In 2017 I wrote an essay in Danish about whether we are truly as busy as we tend to believe and what a better way of managing our time and energy might be.

The essay is called

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  • Avoid Injury when Running

    Posted on Sunday, October 2, 2011

    Over the time, many friends have asked my advice on how to treat this or that injury they experience after having run for some 6-12 months. While I gladly offer my advice would it not be much better i...

    Footwork in basketball

    Posted on Tuesday, January 4, 2011

    This brief article describes a simple teaching method of footwork in basketball useful for breaking down complex movements. [

    Basketball: Basic use of statistics in basketball

    Posted on Sunday, March 14, 2010

    Many students in Danish high schools have to write assignments combining two or more subjects. For many basketball players with a knack for math as well an obvious choice is to do a statistical analys...

    Installing GAMS on Ubuntu and setting up Emacs

    Posted on Sunday, May 3, 2009

    Not too long ago I faced the problem of installing GAMS on my computer. Well, you wouldn't really think that it would be a problem and maybe it isn't, but at least I found the documentation difficu...

    How to optimize basketball drills

    Posted on Sunday, April 5, 2009

    This article describes how to optimize individual drills in a basketball practice by identifying the constraints such as number of baskets, players and balls. Thereafter it focuses on how to create th...

    Paul Graham translation

    Posted on Monday, August 18, 2008

    I enjoy reading Paul Graham's essays. Most of them are on it startups or business in general, but some concern writing, philosophy and other interesting non-business topics. If this caught your intere...

    Summer's coming!

    Posted on Friday, July 4, 2008

    Finally, July 4 came along. Today Dominik and I handed in our bachelor thesis. Having finished other exams and classes we could focus entirel...

    New design

    Posted on Friday, April 18, 2008

    After a couple of years with the same rather pragmatic design, I've decided to modernize the looks of There's a vast amount of great designs out there available at absolutely no cost ...

    Atom feed!

    Posted on Wednesday, February 13, 2008

    Atom feed? Well, it's almost the same as an RSS feed, but simply a newer standard that nobody has heard of yet (including myself). Nevertheless it should be compatible with all the feed-readers out th...


    Posted on Wednesday, February 6, 2008

    So what's this about? Well, many of you probably already knew of this awesome site for organizing your bookmarks, but I'm a bit on the slow side and therefore I haven't stumbled upon it until now. So,...